Introduction to Clear Webhooks


Get it...? Webhooks?

You can get data out of Clear when an event happens, such as when an attendee registers.

Webhooks will always be in a JSON format, if you want it to be sent as something else then too bad (if you really want XML or something, ask us and we'll implement it).

A hook request looks like this (will be sent over POST):

  "data": {
    // webhook-specific data
  "private": "[[app:secret]]", // for verifying that this actually came from Clear
  "event": "" // the hook event (e.g. "registration.register")

Here is the list of current webhooks:

Webhook NameFired When
Registration.RegisterAttendee registeredAdd this webhook
Registration.CheckinAttendee checked inAdd this webhook
Registration.CheckoutAttendee checked outAdd this webhook